
Can Cannabis Really Enhance Creativity? Debunking the Controversy
Sometimes, when you smoke a bit of weed, it can make one thing better: art. Weed is known for making

Study Suggests Women in Alberta Turn to Cannabis for Managing Menopause Symptoms
Menopause happens naturally to women when they’re usually between 45 and 55 years old. It means they stop having their

Patients Report Better Mental Health with Cannabis: Here’s How
There has been an increase in interest in cannabis’s mental health benefits, especially indica strains. Patients globally share experiences, affirming
Study On Marijuana Use & Yoga Reveals How Set & Setting Shape Mental Health
An unprecedented emphasis on health and wellness prompts individuals to explore diverse avenues for self-improvement. Among the various practices gaining
Cancer Survivors Using Marijuana Report Symptomatic Improvement, Study Reveals
Cancer encompasses a spectrum of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells. Individuals grappling with cancer endure a
Can Cannabis Contribute to Better Sleep?
Around 33% of an individual’s life is spent sleeping. Sleep deprivation, a feeling of lacking rest, happens when somebody experiences