Minimum order $50 Free Delivery over $99+ Same Day Weed Delivery Cut-Off 8:00PM

Minimum order $50 Free Delivery over $99+ Same Day Weed Delivery Cut-Off 8:00PM


Edible forms of cannabis have risen in popularity alongside traditional methods in recent years. These products, which may be anything from food to drinks, are a convenient and tasty way to experience the benefits of cannabis. Edmonton Canna Delivery has a wide variety of delicious cannabis products available for delivery. We provide a variety of mouthwatering sweets, from chocolates to gummies. You can have your preferred products delivered to your home at the click of a button, thanks to our straightforward online ordering system. It’s the best method to indulge in cannabis’ wonderful flavour without leaving the house.

Taste the Adventure – Discover and Know Your Edibles

They are considered to be any product that can be ingested orally and contains cannabis. Products, including cookies, candy, chocolates, and more, are included. When compared to more common forms of cannabis consumption, like smoking or vaping, edibles provide a novel option.

The effects may take longer to manifest and differ significantly from those of smoking or vaping because the liver processes them. Effects usually peak two hours after intake and gradually fade over the following four to six hours. Certain products contain high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which may have more potent effects than smoking or vaping.

Regarding medicinal benefits, these goods stand out because of the more significant and sustained relief they offer patients. Their appealing flavours and smells make them a good substitute for people who despise the odour of smoke or vapour.

Experience the Fun and Ease of Buying Online

Aside from top-grade cannabis products and easy-to-purchase options when buying Edibles online, our psilocybin chocolate bar, gummies, and edible cannabis will provide you with the ultimate sensory and therapeutic experience. Our fruit-flavoured gummies are created with pure cannabis extract and are guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth. Our products are the ideal way to unwind after a hard day or to deepen your spiritual practice.

Online Edibles For You from Edmonton’s Canna Delivery

Edmonton Canna Delivery offers a wide range of edible cannabis products for purchase online. Among our selection are two popular items: gummies and psilocybin chocolate bars.


Gummies are a convenient way to consume cannabis without smoking or vaping it. The gummies offered by Edmonton Canna Delivery come in various flavours, including strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry, allowing customers to choose their favourite flavour or mix it up. These gummies are also available in THC and CBD varieties, allowing individuals to choose according to their needs.

Psilocybin Chocolate Bar

Another edible item Edmonton Canna Delivery offers is the psilocybin chocolate bar. This delicious treat contains psilocybin mushrooms, making it a great choice for those looking for a longer-lasting and more intense experience than traditional cannabis-infused products. This product is available in both dark and milk chocolate varieties, allowing customers to choose the flavour they prefer.

Why Buy Edibles Online from Edmonton Canna Delivery


One of the major benefits of buying online through Edmonton Canna Delivery is convenience. Customers can shop from the comfort of their own homes and have their orders delivered directly to them without any hassle. Additionally, Edmonton Canna Delivery offers customers the option to purchase their products at a significant discount, ensuring you always have access to new products and flavours. This means that customers don’t need to worry about running out of their favourite products or having to go out and repurchase them in stores constantly.

Quality Product

Another benefit of buying these products online in Edmonton is their health benefits. They are a great alternative to smoking cannabis as they don’t require inhaling smoke – reducing exposure to toxic substances. Furthermore, they provide users with longer-lasting effects, allowing them to experience the full effects of their chosen strain over a more extended period.


Finally, Edmonton Canna Delivery provides customers with access to a wide selection of premium products, ensuring that they are always able to find exactly what they’re looking for. With our extensive inventory and convenient delivery options, Edmonton Canna Delivery is the perfect place to shop for a wide range of cannabis products in Edmonton.

How to Order Online

Create an account

To buy edibles online at Edmonton Canna Delivery, you must first register with your name, email address, and phone number. To place an order, you must be 19 years old or older and have a valid Canadian address.

Select your Product

Browse the online menu for the items you want to buy. Filter by edible kind, brand, and potency. Before ordering, please read the product description and ingredients.

Place your Order

After you’ve decided on your products, put them in your cart and check out. Fill in your contact information, shipping address, and payment details. Before submitting your order, please double-check all of the details.

Wait for delivery

You should receive your goods within 24 hrs of making your order, and we have a Same Day Weed Delivery Cut-Off of 5:00 PM. The minimum order is $50. Over $99, delivery is on the house.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is safe to buy online from Edmonton Canna Delivery. The website uses secure payment methods and ensures the privacy of your personal information.

Edmonton Canna Delivery, only sources products from reputable and licensed producers, ensuring that the edibles you receive are of the highest quality.

Yes, all the products offered by Edmonton Canna Delivery are lab tested for safety and potency to ensure the products you receive are of the highest quality.

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